Different Types of Multicultural Books

Not all multicultural books are about different cultures. Some are about inclusion, belonging, and making a community. Included are an assortment of books for different aspects of the world.


  • Juan Has the Jitters by Aneta Cruz and Miki Yamamoto
  • All Different and Beautiful by Belle Belrose and C.L. Winna
  • David Jumps In by Alan Woo and Katty Maurey
  • My two blankets by Irena Kobald and Freya Blackwood
  • The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
  • Deep in the Sahara by Kelly Cunnane and Hoda Hadadi
  • I'm Part of My Community by Sophia Day, Megan Johnson, and Stephanie Strouse
  • Saving Eli's Library by Ruth Horowitz, Bea Jackson, and Brittany Jackson
  • Destiny's Gift by Natasha Tarpley and Adjoa J. Burrowes 
