The Dos and Don'ts of introducing multicultural literature

Picking multicultural literature can be very daunting and scary. But following these dos and don'ts can help make the process easier and more exciting.


  • Pick authentic books; research the author to ensure they write from experience.
  • Focus on the plot: don't pick a book that is seen as just a lesson. You want students to enjoy what they are reading.
  • Celebrate diversity; Highlight the beauty of other cultures. Show the differences but don't make them seem lesser than your own. 
  • Connect; connect other cultures to the students. Show how they can be similar but also different.
  • Include multicultural books at certain times; don't share books on different cultures during cultural heritage months. They should be read at different times during the school year. 
  • Don't assume things; you may not be an expert on different cultures and that is okay! You can learn with your students!
  • Appropriate; don't use sacred or custom objects to prove a point in the lesson. Use them to boost the story and understanding. 
  • Shy away; if you don't know the language used, have a video available as a read-aloud. Don't discard certain books because they may be too "complex", students can learn from them still.
